Wild Garlic, or Ransoms, is every foragers go-to favourite in the early spring and summer months. Relatively easy to identify, and abundant if you find where it grows, wild garlic can be substituted as a milder form of garlic in any dish requiring that distinctive taste and aroma.
But how to extend the wild garlic season beyond Spring and Summer?
Well, one sure-fire method is to create and freeze wild garlic butter discs. The method is simplicity itself.
First forage your ransoms leaves. Wash and dry them, then slice across the leaves into pungent, green ribbons. Allow your butter (or plant-based alternative) to warm to room temperature. In a bowl thoroughly mix the butter and wild garlic ribbons. Spread out a sheet of clingfilm and fashion a ‘sausage’ of the mix across it. Roll up the clingfilm to encase your ‘sausage’ and pop into the freezer. When frozen, cut the sausage into discs. Store the discs in a bag and pop back into the freezer. Take one out and use it whenever necessary.
How long do the frozen discs last? Well I froze some late last Summer and used the last one to transform some fresh pizza dough into a Wild Garlic Pizza just after Christmas and it tasted just fine to me!